The local Consumer Protection Agency, or the Direct Mail
Marketing Association located at 6 East 43rd. St., New York, NY
10017, Phone (212) 689-4977.
The local Consumer Protection Agency, or the Direct Mail
Marketing Association located at 6 East 43rd. St., New York, NY
10017, Phone (212) 689-4977.
products or non-delivery?
Consumer Inquiries, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC
20580, Phone (202) 523-3598.
oriented mail, who do your contact?
Your local Postmaster, or Chief Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal
Service, Room 3517, Washington, DC 20260-2100, Phone (202)
Your local Postmaster or the Consumer Advocate, U.S. Postal
Service, Washington DC 20260-6320, Phone (202) 245-4514.