The local Consumer Protection Agency, or the Direct Mail
Marketing Association located at 6 East 43rd. St., New York, NY
10017, Phone (212) 689-4977.
The local Consumer Protection Agency, or the Direct Mail
Marketing Association located at 6 East 43rd. St., New York, NY
10017, Phone (212) 689-4977.
products or non-delivery?
Consumer Inquiries, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC
20580, Phone (202) 523-3598.
oriented mail, who do your contact?
Your local Postmaster, or Chief Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal
Service, Room 3517, Washington, DC 20260-2100, Phone (202)
Your local Postmaster or the Consumer Advocate, U.S. Postal
Service, Washington DC 20260-6320, Phone (202) 245-4514.
"Kitchen Table", what secrets must you apply in order to find riches?
Wealth will not materialize until you take action and generate
the force needed to start the wealth-building process. Most
people are just not oriented to do anything about gaining new
wealth, while others believe it would take too much of their
time and money to follow through a project to completion. They
don't realize that knowledge is power and wealth favors the
trained mind. This leaves the market place wide open for those
who apply the proper ideas and methods. The ones who discover
the ways to exploit the future. You must move ahead of the
times, extend your knowledge and open up new avenues of personal
growth! Expand your horizons!
As chaotic conditions increase in this mad money world they can
crawl in the corner and let the world pass them by, or learn new
methods required to format their future wealth! Waiting for the
day when they will have everything they need will never come
without know-how!
customer of most any money-making, how-to,
self-improvement, mailorder, idea, or success publication?
What can it do for me! With the millions of books on the market
it is an difficult question, to be sure. It's certainly much
easier to expound on the advantages of one book over another
"because it has more pages" or "It has a more expensive cover".
But those are not the answers. The foundation of knowledge is
learning and the best way to learn is to simplify everything
possible. Eliminate all the useless non-essentials so the
reader is not overburdened with worthless detail and let them
know through proper advertising what your publication or book
can do for them!
Keep your mind open for new ideas and don't give up. Don't
throw away your dreams because of only a few failures. Proceed
carefully; watch out for fraud and fast buck artists. Hang in
there and you can become a great success!
Stay away from catalog deals until you can check them out with
simple tests that prove them profitable.
After you have built up your programs (Sale of merchandise,
books, publication, MLM, or whatever) and have a good customer
list, rent or sell the names. Offer big mails for SASE to build
up and expand your name list. Mail circulars of others, for a
fee or commission, with your own Big Mails.
Free, Rush, Limited, Guaranteed, Save, Sale, New, Get, Look,
Money-making, Profits, Act, Now!
It is a waste of money to present established items that people
can get most anywhere.
build confidence?
You can accumulate testimonials from you customers and use them
in your ads to build customer confidence.
There is no limit to the mailorder business if you are willing
to learn and expand. A real good hot item, even at a high cost
can be a real winner. Don't let your programs just sit idle.
Test... Test and more tests. Keep on the top of all your
activities and follow through.
The right product with orders handled carefully and quickly.
Satisfied customers always come back, even via mail.
Good novelty merchandise and scarce items. Books of interest to
a large audience. Certain Multi-level marketing plans with
good, reasonably priced products as a base. However, there are
a great deal more poor, worthless, MLM programs floating around
than there are good ones so one must be very cautious in
choosing this kind of operation.
The product, the price, the media used, the timing of the ad and
the right prospect are all critical factors. Proper items must
be selected, those that will readily sell by mail. The price
must be especially attractive. Ads must be simple and easy to
understand; attention producing with strong eye-arresting
leads. They must convince customers and make it easy for them
to order. All these ingredients need to be present to get good
Check at the post office to obtain information on various
permits and fees for bulk mailing and all the other services
which will fit in with your operations. You need very little
capital to begin. The main thing is to use impressive printed
letterheads and envelopes. Test before you splurge. Start with
just a few classified ads, then build your programs from there.
It's not the money but the thoughtfulness with which it is used
that is the deciding factor between success and failure in the
mailorder business.
Convenience and saving of time it would take to make a personal
trip. Avoidance of rush hour crowds. Many find it fun to buy
through the mail. Quite often mail order products have a price
advantage. Curiosity is a big motive. Many prefer to buy
personal items, such as certain kinds of books, by mail.
Exclusiveness of many mail order products.
By Don Page
1. How to develop a personal relationship with your customers?
Successful mail order firms make every effort to personalize
their mail!